Sackler Drug Lords Barred from Egyptian Temple at the Met

From ArtNews:

Two years after the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York said it would stop taking donations from the Sacklers,  the institution announced plans to remove the family’s name from galleries within its walls. Among those galleries is the massive, airy space containing the Temple of Dendur, which has long bore the Sackler name.

The Sackler family is famous for popularizing OxyContin, a synthetic opiate, through its Purdue Pharma outfit. OxyContin has been responsible for millions and millions of deaths and ruined lives.

Serpentine Sackler Gallery

In recent years, both the Louvre and the Serpentine Gallery have concealed or avoided the Sackler name.

A suggestion that Met members receive a free vial of OxyContin with their membership packet, was mooted by someone about ten years ago, but the Met did not follow up on it and it is unclear who proposed the idea.

Author: Bartle Bull. . . holds an MFA from North Brandywine State Teachers College and works in a pet shop on weekends.